Trombinoscope (UK)
mercredi, 04 novembre 2020 03:28

(Togo First) - Sixteen (16) tons of chocolate produced in 2019, a dozen export destinations outside Africa, a dozen flavors, and derivatives offered onboard aircraft (Asky in particular) and distribution networks. These are the recent figures that would best summarize the boss of ChocoTogo, a cooperative specializing in the processing and marketing of national cocoa. Trained in Italy and Mexico, countries deeply rooted in the chocolate industry, Eric AGBOKOU could be considered as a modern Robin Hood. He is an advocate of fair trade and fair treatment of cocoa farmers. His ambition is to take over the West African organic chocolate market and pass the 10,000-ton annual production mark.

Pour nous contacter: c o n t a c t [@] t o g o f i r s t . c o m

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