Togo: General Allahare Picked to Head the Armed Forces

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 16:39
Togo: General Allahare Picked to Head the Armed Forces

(Togo First) - Brigadier General Dimini Allahare is the new head of the Togolese Armed Forces (FAT). He was appointed Chief of General Staff of the FAT on May 27, by a presidential decree. The decree was disclosed on TVT, a public channel.

Until he was appointed, Allahare was the Director General of the Lomé-Tokoin Airport Company (SALT). He takes over his new position from Air Brigadier General Tassounti Djato. Djato was appointed in December 2022.

This new appointment within the top echelons of the Togolese army comes as Togo has been facing terrorist threats, especially in the northern part of the country, in recent years.

Esaïe Edoh

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