Togo: FSRP Shows Promising Results after Two Years

Friday, 17 May 2024 16:36
Togo: FSRP Shows Promising Results after Two Years

(Togo First) - Launched two years ago in Togo, the Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) shows "encouraging" results. Dindiogue Konlani, Director of Cabinet for the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, claimed so at the opening of the first synthesis meeting in Lomé on May 15, 2024.

The meeting convenes eight beneficiary countries and partners like ECOWAS, the World Bank, AGRHYMET, CORAF, and national coordinators from FSRP participating countries. 

Agriculture: Data and Recommendation

Under FSRP, over 80,000 agrometeorological bulletins have been disseminated, benefiting 122,000 individuals, including nearly 50,000 women, to guide farmers in managing climatic uncertainties.

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