BOAD approves CFA11 billion financing for an agricultural project in the Oti region

Monday, 28 June 2021 15:04
BOAD approves CFA11 billion financing for an agricultural project in the Oti region

(Togo First) - A few days ago, the executive board of the Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD) approved the disbursement of CFA10.7 billion for some agricultural development works in Togo. 

The works, which fall under the PATA-OTI, a project covering the Oti region, will specifically be carried out in the fourth zone (Sadori, Fare, and Koukombou) and fifth zone (Nali and Koulifiekou) of this project. 

The goal of the project is to make it easier for producers in the region concerned to access modern production inputs, boost agricultural productivity, and create conditions that will foster the emergence of agro-entrepreneurs. Under the same project, the region is set to produce rice, on an industrial scale, and host a sugar plant. 

The PATI-OTI is a four-year project launched in 2018. With an estimated cost of CFA72 billion, it is backed not only by the BOAD but also by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and the OPEC Fund for International Development. 

Klétus Situ

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