Togo: Deputy Innocent Kagbara launches UK Holding, an infrastructure intermediation company

Economic governance
Wednesday, 15 November 2023 11:15
Togo: Deputy Innocent Kagbara launches UK Holding, an infrastructure intermediation company

(Togo First) - UK Holding officially started operations in Togo a week ago, on November 8. The infrastructure, trade, and intermediation group will operate across five areas in the country. 

The firm’s CEO, Innocent Kagbara, said it would offer capital trading services to investors in infrastructure construction,  as well as supply equipment for hotels, hospitals and leisure centers. Kagbara, who is also a Togolese deputy, added that the group would also support companies with sales of close to €5 billion.

UK Holding will also operate in logistics and maritime transportation and plans investments in housing. The group has subsidiaries in agriculture, husbandry, construction, land development, and investment. 

The Lomé-based group aims to become an African giant in financial intermediation by 2030. "We want to capture capital to come and carry out structuring projects in our country ", said Innocent Kagbara, forecasting the creation of several direct and indirect jobs.

Esaïe Edoh

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