U.S. announces $33M school food aid program in Togo

Tuesday, 03 October 2023 17:45
U.S. announces $33M school food aid program in Togo

(Togo First) - As part of the U.S. food aid program, over 200 schools in Togo will get support to feed students. Deployed on the ground by Baltimore-based Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the initiative targets nearly 155,000 students (154,675), providing them with daily meals, for five years.

Over the period, the U.S. will ship more than 5,000 tonnes of vegetable oil, peas, rice, and cornmeal to Togo. Local products will be added to this. The support is valued at $33 million (about CFA20 billion).

In detail, it is the US State Department of Agriculture, through its McGovern-Dole International Food Program for Child Education and Nutrition, that will provide the resources.

The new program adds to others like the school canteens program, which is backed by the World Bank Group and has profited over 95,000 students in 2021.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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