Decentralization: Togo reviews progress made so far

Thursday, 25 June 2020 14:05
Decentralization: Togo reviews progress made so far

(Togo First) - Togo’s ministry of decentralization and territorial collectivities met on June 23, 2020, with its technical and financial partners (AfDB, BOAD, KfW, UNDP, ProDeGoL, EU, Unicef), to review progress made so far in terms of decentralization in the country.  

June 30 will mark a year since local elections took place, that is the election of municipal councillors,” said Payadowa Boukpéssi, minister of decentralization. Thus, “we had to review things with our technical and financial partners who help us a lot,” in the area of decentralization.

Topics discussed during the meeting include various initiatives launched by the government in this framework, the reinforcement of laws related to decentralization, the creation of a Fund to support territorial collectivities (FACT), and ways to improve working conditions across Togo’s municipalities.  

According to the ministry, “many challenges remain to be overcome,” despite the election of new municipal councillors and mayors. 

For example, the capacities of locally elected officials must be boosted, resources for the FACT have to be mobilized, and most importantly, there is a need to draw plans for developing municipalities, instead of “muddling through.”

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