Teolis, Ministry of Agriculture launch digital station project to boost farmers’ yields across Togo

Wednesday, 04 May 2022 17:58
Teolis, Ministry of Agriculture launch digital station project to boost farmers’ yields across Togo

(Togo First) - The Togolese ministry of agriculture and the Teolis Foundation officially launched on May 3, 2022, the “Stations Météos Togo” project. This is a project that will provide weather data to farmers across the country.

Concretely, all over the country, digital stations will be set up to monitor key indicators that influence agricultural cycles.

These digital stations collect, every five minutes, data on temperature, sunshine, pressure, air humidity, wind direction, wind speed, rainfall, soil temperature, humidity, salinity, and conductivity. "This data, which will be available on the farmer's smartphone and through several other digital sources, will help to know where, when, and what to sow, how to maintain the field, and when to harvest," says Michel Bagnah, president of the Teolis Foundation

In all, 120 stations will be deployed, adding to the 12 stations that were successfully launched in January 2021. In the long run, more than 400 of the installations should cover the territory.

This project, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, "helps boost the agricultural sector" which is one of the pillars of the Togolese economy.

Indeed, developing agriculture is one of the Togolese government's priorities, as stated in the Roadmap 2025. Under the 2022 finance law, CFA45 billion has been allocated to the ministry of agriculture.

“Stations Météos Togo'' is part of Teolis’ AGRITEOLIS program. The latter includes several other digital projects, including "digital collars for livestock" which will be launched soon.

Esaïe Edoh

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