Togo: Coffee sector records good performances, trend expected to be sustained

Tuesday, 13 February 2018 13:23
Togo: Coffee sector records good performances, trend expected to be sustained

(Togo First) - From 2011 to 2016, Togo’s coffee output grew from 10,000 tons to 17,010 tons. Over the same period, areas where the crop was grown expanded from 37,768 ha to 40,499 ha while yield grew from 0.26 t/ha to 0.42 t/ha.

According to data relayed by newspaper l’Oeil d’Afrique, the rise has boosted the impact of the cocoa-coffee sector in terms of added value. In effect, in 2016, the sector generated CFA8.6 billion in revenues whereas in 2014, this value was CFA5.9 billion.

Meanwhile, the sector created close to 800 permanent jobs and 22,000 seasonal ones.

These good indicators are attributable to a programme to revive the sector launched in 2008 and the National Programme for Agricultural Investment and Food Security.

In the framework of the latter, Togo projects an annual output of about 30,000 tons of coffee and 26,000 tons of cocoa. World Bank, European Union and IFAD are Togo’s main financial partners, in this project which aims to return the country’s coffee to its glorious years in the 60s.

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