Togo: Adetikope Platform’s Soybean Processing Factory Officially Online

Friday, 01 September 2023 15:21
Togo: Adetikope Platform’s Soybean Processing Factory Officially Online

(Togo First) - Togo Soja, Togo’s largest soybean processing plant is operational. The news was announced on August 31 by the Adetikope Industrial Platform (PIA) which houses the new plant.  

"[The] Adetikope Industrial Platform is proud to officially announce the full operationality of Togo Soja, the local Soya processing plant located in the area,"  PIA announced. "Having successfully achieved our first goal of producing 50,000 tons of soybeans, this project demonstrates our commitment to the Togolese government's vision for Togo’s industrialization," the platform added.

Soybean oil and fertilizers 

According to PIA, soybean processing is expected to fuel international and sub-regional exports.

With a total investment of $25 million (around 16 billion FCFA), Togo Soja has two processing units. These will produce not only soybean oil but also oilcakes and other by-products, which will be used as fertilizers by producers.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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