Government launches two websites to boost investment in Togo

Economic governance
Tuesday, 10 August 2021 12:34
Government launches two websites to boost investment in Togo

(Togo First) - The Togolese ministry for investment promotion launched two digital portals yesterday.

The first website  ( provides specific, detailed information on 13 administrative procedures to go through when investing in Togo. The second platform ( is the website of the investment promotion and free-trade zone agency (API-ZF). It presents advantages of the various economic regimes that exist in the country, eligibility criteria, and key development sectors on which the government focuses.

According to Kayi Midevor, minister in charge of investment promotion, the API-ZF’s website is “the reference tool for promoting economic benefits that Togo offers investors.”  

The two sites were launched with the help (financial and technical) of the UNDP and the UNCTAD. These two entities are committed to helping Togo improve its business climate. 

In this regard, it should be recalled that Togo was recently ranked as Africa’s Top reformer and the third-best worldwide. 

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