Togo will officially apply to join Commonwealth in June 2022

Saturday, 30 April 2022 03:55
Togo will officially apply to join Commonwealth in June 2022

(Togo First) - Consequent to receiving the parliament’s approval last Friday, April 22, the Togolese government said it will officially apply to join the Commonwealth next June.

The application will be submitted during the Commonwealth Summit in Rwanda. Christian Trimua, the Togolese minister of human rights, said the move would mark the beginning of a new phase in the adhesion process, which Lomé intends to “carry through to its end, for the good of every Togolese”

If Togo effectively becomes a member of the Commonwealth, it would have access to a market of 2.5 billion people. Also, this would allow the West African nation to open up more to the rest of the world, attract foreign investments, and bolster foreign trade.

However, Togolese authorities stressed that joining the Commonwealth does not mean breaking away from the Francophonie, but instead reinforcing the position of English in its education system.

Esaïe Edoh

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