Togo Records 120 MW Supply Deficit (Ministry of Energy)

Wednesday, 08 January 2025 17:05
Togo Records 120 MW Supply Deficit (Ministry of Energy)

(Togo First) - Togo needs about 320 MW of electricity during peak evening hours, but it currently produces less than 200 MW. According to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, which disclosed the figures, the country fills the 120 MW gap with power purchased from Ghana and Nigeria.

To rely less on external sources, the Togolese government has been working on diversifying and securing its energy supplies. Key plans include building new renewable energy sources, like hydroelectric, biomass, and thermal plants. They also aim to reduce energy losses by improving high-voltage transmission systems. An energy efficiency plan has been created to help optimize consumption.

At a recent energy summit in Lomé, Prime Minister Victoire Tomegah-Dogbé announced that Togo is adding 137 MW of new renewable energy capacity as part of its transition efforts, with a focus on solar power, which is seen as accessible and affordable.

Fossil fuels are still part of the plan. Projects like liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification platforms and storage batteries are being developed to help manage the intermittent nature of solar energy.

Major projects include a 250 MW combined-cycle thermal power plant, a 60 MW hydroelectric dam at Tététou, and smaller hydroelectric plants along with storage batteries.

Public authorities are still working to secure funding for these initiatives.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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