Coastal Erosion: Togo Closes In on €25M Financing Deal with Invest International

Public Management
Tuesday, 05 September 2023 14:13
Coastal Erosion: Togo Closes In on €25M Financing Deal with Invest International

(Togo First) - Togo might soon secure €25 million from Invest International to protect its coast against sea encroachment. The Togolese minister of environment, Katari Foly-Bazi, discussed the matter with a delegation from the Dutch institution on Monday, September 4, in Lomé. 

According to Invest International, out of the announced financing, €23 million should be devoted to protective facilities and €2 million to maintenance works. 

The Ministry of Environment, for its part, added that the funds will be used to complete protection works started on the coast portion going from Gbodjomé to the Port Area. The works will be carried out by Boskalis, a Dutch company. Part of the project, it is worth noting, has already been funded by the French Development Agency (AFD).

According to the Ministry of Environment of Togo, negotiations with Invest International are going well and the financing agreement could be inked by December 2023.

Esaïe Edoh

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