Togo: China wants to help Togo address the security crisis in the Savanes region

Friday, 19 January 2024 16:55
Togo: China wants to help Togo address the security crisis in the Savanes region

(Togo First) - China is interested in supporting Togo’s Emergency Program for the Savannah Region (PURS) and helping the African country better address the security crisis plaguing its northern region.

This was one of the topics covered during the recent visit of Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, in Lomé, the capital. 

"China is very interested in supporting the PURS Program, especially in the context of the security issues in the north of our country," said government spokesman and Minister, Christian Trimua, after a meeting between President Faure Gnassingbé and Wang Yi.

PURS: An overview

The PURS is a multi-faceted initiative that aims to bolster infrastructure, agriculture, and power supply in northern Togo. 

Togo so far has secured CFA30 billion for the project, from the Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement and the World Bank.

Defense and security

During Yi’s visit, the Chinese and Togolese sides explored future areas of mutual support. 

It is worth noting that the Savanes region, where the PURS is implemented, is still under a state of emergency. This state was first introduced in June 2022 and reconducted several times by the Togolese Parliament as terrorists kept attacking the region. Last year, Lomé confirmed the deaths of at least 30 people linked to these "terrorist attacks".

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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