Togo launches SWEDD project to empower its women and girls

Wednesday, 15 November 2023 17:08
Togo launches SWEDD project to empower its women and girls

(Togo First) - Togo launched the Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Project (SWEDD+) on November 14. The World Bank-backed initiative was officially kicked off at the University of Lomé, by the minister of women empowerment and literacy, Adjovi Lolonyo Anakoma-Apedoh. 

"SWEDD Togo aims to improve girls' and women's access to learning, economic opportunities, and the use of health services, as well as to strengthen Togo's institutional capacity for gender equality," said the minister, as he launched the project.

Approved by the World Bank's Board of Directors on September 29, 2023, the program will require CFA37.5 billion. It targets over 105,000 Togolese girls and young women as direct beneficiaries, through interventions at the community level. Emphasis will be placed on women's economic empowerment and keeping girls in school.


Present at the launch, the World Bank’s Director of Operations for Togo, Marie-Chantal Uwanyiligira, declared: "The project we are launching today aims to reinforce the government's efforts to empower women and girls. It is a regional project that is already active in several countries in West and Central Africa".

This will include improving access to learning, economic opportunities, and health services for adolescent girls and young women. SWEDD+ also aims to strengthen the regional institutional environment for gender equality.

Togo, it is worth noting, has been working to promote equal access for women to opportunities, particularly in education, entrepreneurship, and positions of responsibility, despite significant challenges. According to a report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the proportion of women in managerial positions in Togo is 70%.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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